Monika Martykánová
* 1994
Statuette Good mother in the collection of Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
Bowls & objects Lilialis in the collection of Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
2014/ now VŠUP Praha - ceramics & porcelain/ head of the studio Maxim Velčovský & Milan Pekař
2009/ 2013 SŠPU Opava - industrial design
2019/ 5 - Tokkuri/ Porcelain flasks and porcelain object in cooperation with Saki Matsumoto/ Isetan/ Tokio
2018/ 4 - Tokkuri/ Porcelain flasks in cooperation with Saki Matsumoto/ Showroom H. Dařbujánová/ Prague
2016/ 4 - Alice's memories/ drawings/ Galerie Nika - Vestibul metra Karlovo náměstí/ Prague
2016/ 3 - Good Mother/ Showroom Helena Dařbujánová/ Prague
2014/ 9 - 1928/ drawings/ Café Gaviota / Brno
2013/ 6 - Tell me your story/ Opava
2011/ 5 - Time/ Opava
2020/ 4 - Manifesto exhibition with studio of ceramics and porcelain/ Gallery GAP/ Znojmo
/4 - BKV Prize Awards 2020/ Gallery of Applied Arts - Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein/ Munich
/3 - BKV Prize 2020/ part of the finalists exhibited at the IHM International Crafts fair / Munich
/ 3 - Talente 2020/ part of the selected artists for the exhibition at the IHM International Crafts fair/ Munich
2019/ 11 - Die Kunst des Tätowierens/ part of the exhibition focused on tattooart/ Czech center/ Vienna
/ 6-7 - 100 let Ateliéru keramiky a porcelánu UMPRUM/ Gallery UM/ Prague
2018/ 10 - Grassi Design Festival/ Museum of Applied Arts/ Leipzig
/ 9 - Shaping The Future/ Ceramics and its Dimensions/ Museum of Decorative Arts/ Prague
2017/ 10 - Designblok 17/ Erste Premier Talent Display/ Prague
/ 8 - London Design Festival, ceramics and porcelain studio UMPRUM/ London
2016/ 2 - Oslava Vietnamského roku/ Showroom Helena Dařbujánová/ Prague
/ 3 - Vše za 39 Maxim Velčovský/ part of the student exhibition from ceramics and porcelain studio/ Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum/ Brno
/ 4 - Students works for Laufen/ showroom Laufen/ Prague
/ 10 - Designblok 16, ceramics and porcelain studio UMPRUM/ Prague
2015/ 10 - UMPRUM slaví 130 let, Designblok/ UMPRUM/ Prague
2013/ 4 - Student Design 2013/ Opava
/ 6 - Graduation Works Exhibition SŠPU Opava/ Dům umění/ Opava