MgA. Monika Martykánová
* 1994
in the collection of Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
in the collection of The Prague City Museum, Prague
in the collection of The North Bohemian Museum, Liberec
2014/ 2021 UMPRUM Prague - ceramics & porcelain/ head of the studio Maxim Velčovský & Milan Pekař
2009/ 2013 SŠUP Opava - industrial design
Discovery of the year Czech Grand Design 2021
Outstanding Student design 2021/ Czech International Student Design Award for 3DIY
Outstanding Student design 2021/ Czech International Student Design Award for Allegory of Covid
Finalist of Diploma Selection Designblok 2021
Finalist of Czech International Student Design Award 2021
Finalist of BKV Prize 2020
Finalist of Talente 2020
Finalist of Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019
2025/ 1 - 2 - Krásná práce/ Tiše usilovat o krásu/ Spolkový dům/ Kutná Hora
/ 1 - 4 - Czech figural porcelain of three centuries 1792-2024/ Museum of West Bohemia/ Pilsen
/ 1 - 9 - Made by Fire/ Museum of Applied Arts of The Moravian Gallery/ Brno
2024/ 4 - 9 - Czech porcelain of three centuries 1792-2024/ Museum of Decorative arts/ Prague
/ 10 - BAČÁK + DESIGN/ Portheimka organized by Chemistry Gallery/ Prague
/ 11 - Krásná práce/ Tiše usilovat o krásu/ Galerie 1/ Prague
/ 12 - 4 - Czech figural porcelain of three centuries 1792-2024/ Museum of West Bohemia/ Pilsen
2023/ 11 - Made by Fire/ Museum of Applied Arts of The Moravian Gallery/ Brno
/ 10 - Designblok23/ Made by Fire/ Prague
/ 9 - #porcelain/ Dům porcelánu s modrou krví/ Dubí
/ 6 - Momentum/ Burgas
/ 4 - Made by Fire/ Triennale di Milano - Milan Design Week/ Milano
/ 3 - 5 - Momentum/ Czech Center Sofia/ Sofia
/ 2 - 3 - Czech Landscape/ UM Gallery/ Prague
2022/ 10 - 1 - Terra Alba/ Moravian Gallery/ Brno
/ 10 - Designblok 22/ Terra Alba/ Museum of Decorative Arts/ Prague
/ 9 - Design and Transformation/ Prague House & Design Museum Brussels/ Brussels
/ 4 - 5 - UMPRUM biennial Process as Output Art based Research Strategies/ UMPRUM Prague
/ 3 - 4 - Best of: CGD 21/ Gallery of Česká spořitelna/ Prague
2021/ 12 - Nový (z)boží! 2021/ Gallery of Česká spořitelna/ Prague
/ 11 - 12 - Nový (z)boží! 2021/ DEPO2015/ Plzeň
/ 10 - Diploma Selection Designblok 21/ St. Gabriel church/ Prague
/ 6 - Diploma and bachelor 2021 Umprum/ hall 13 tržnice Holešovice/ Prague
2020/ 10 - Designblok 20/ studio of ceramics and porcelain/ St. Gabriel church /Prague
/ 7-8 - Manifesto exhibition with studio of ceramics and porcelain/ Gallery GAP/ Znojmo
/ 5 - BKV Prize Awards 2020/ Gallery of Applied Arts - Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein/ Munich
/ 3 - BKV Prize 2020/ part of the finalists exhibited at the IHM International Crafts fair / Munich
/ 3 - Talente 2020/ part of the selected artists for the exhibition at the IHM International Crafts fair/ Munich
2019/ Online catalogue Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019
/ 11 - Die Kunst des Tätowierens/ part of the exhibition focused on tattooart/ Czech center/ Vienna
/ 6-7 - 100th anniversary of ceramics and porcelain studio UMPRUM/ Gallery UM/ Prague
2018/ 10 - Grassi Design Festival/ Museum of Applied Arts/ Leipzig
/ 9 - Shaping The Future/ Ceramics and its Dimensions/ Museum of Decorative Arts/ Prague
2017/ 10 - Designblok 17/ Erste Premier Talent Display/ Prague
/ 8 - London Design Festival, ceramics and porcelain studio UMPRUM/ London
2016/ 2 - Vietnamese year/ Showroom Helena Dařbujánová/ Prague
/ 3 - Everything by 39 Maxim Velčovský/ part of the student exhibition from ceramics and porcelain studio/ Moravian Gallery/ Brno
/ 4 - Students works for Laufen/ showroom Laufen/ Prague
/ 10 - Designblok 16, ceramics and porcelain studio UMPRUM/ Prague
2015/ 10 - UMPRUM 130th anniversary, Designblok/ UMPRUM/ Prague
2013/ 4 - Student Design 2013/ Opava
/ 6 - Graduation Works Exhibition SŠPU Opava/ Dům umění/ Opava
2024 / 10 - Designblok24/ Museum of Decorative Arts/ Prague
2022/ 10 - Designblok 22/ At Your Place/ St. Gabriel Church/ Prague
2019/ 5 - Tokkuri/ Porcelain flasks and porcelain object in cooperation with Saki Matsumoto/ Isetan/ Tokio
2018/ 4 - Tokkuri/ Porcelain flasks in cooperation with Saki Matsumoto/ Showroom H. Dařbujánová/ Prague
2016/ 4 - Alice's memories/ drawings/ Nika gallery/ Prague
2016/ 3 - Good Mother/ Showroom Helena Dařbujánová/ Prague
2014/ 9 - 1928/ drawings/ Café Gaviota / Brno
2013/ 6 - Tell me your story/ Opava
2011/ 5 - Time/ Opava